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May 4, 2010




IF Yoga is an integrated approach that combines traditional yoga styles, with the principles of sports specific STRETCHING, functional movement, postural therapeutic movement and alignment principles to help prevent injuries and correct structural anomalies. The IF Yoga sequencing is designed to translate the fundamentals of flexibility conditioning off the mat and into your destinations, events, coaching sessions and daily life.


Yoga is a 5,000 year old discipline that is part philosophy and part physical fitness. The traditional styles of Hatha, Vinyasa and Restorative are designed to increase flexibility within the deep connective tissue through focused attention on alignment and muscle recruitment. It is a program that adapts these core properties to the individual’s unique mechanics. Muscular strength, stamina, endurance, power and balance are the fundamentals when performing various fitness routines or any other performance based activity, however with any form of training, imbalances can occur.



These imbalances or misalignments in muscular development can be solved with strategic stretching and YogaFORM movement patterns, as it enables the mind and body to coordinate with each other and function more efficiently.  When health is optimal, the body assumes a natural balance of muscle strength and range of motion.  This therapeutic and alignment postures hold the potential to eliminate or alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by misalignment or injury.


Primarily known as the path of technique uses anatomically precise sequences of muscle movements where emphasis is placed on the musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory and cardio vascular systems to promote proper muscle recruitment in association with body alignment. It helps to release the myo fascia tissue that protects the muscles, joints and ligaments, which make up 47% of the body “tightness.”


Primarily known as “Flow Yoga” is designed to link movement with breath. Traditionally, we only use 30-40% of our lung capacity, this style of Yoga is used to promote higher levels of capacity through deep diaphragmatic breathing, by recruiting weak muscles around the ribcage in conjunction with postural muscles around the vertebral column to reduce internal tension and promote stability in the torso. We use this during every sequence transition to assist the work of the tissues, and the awareness of those effects directs you to make subtle corrections and adjustments to your posture and alignment on and off the mat.





Posture & Yoga Integration:

  • Integration of the physics of biomechanics in movement and it’s relation to sport specific movements, patterns and practices
  • Integration of kinesiology and human movement principles sequenced through traditional transitions
  • Offers a greater focus on the posterior body, open/release activation and muscle awareness through the platform of movement and breath
  • Spinal integrity and articulation for improved spinal alignment and relationship between the hips (pelvic girdle) and shoulders (shoulder girdle)


Biomechanical Benefits of Yoga:

  • Improves flexibility and mobility to all major joints
  • Improves posture and spinal mobility (flexion and extension, rotational mobility)
  • Improves core activation and stability through the transverse abdominals
  • Biomechanical considerations of all major joint movements, and connective tissue integration
  • Slows the nervous system, reduces stress and improves neuroendocrine adaptation
  • Prevents injuries for occurring and improves proper recruitment sequencing for linear, multidirectional and explosive movement patterns
  • Works to achieve a neutral alignment that reduces lower back pain, neck pain, arm and hand numbness, pelvic imbalances, foot pain and knee pain



All specific stretches and postures used in sequencing and transitioning from movement to movement are incorporated with the natural human locomotion and directions the body can move freely in sport or daily activities. All movements start with breathing and attention to the foundation of all human movement the core, postural muscles and spinal integrity; from there we address postures that work to strengthen the connective tissues, joints and ligaments emphasizing the importance of areas that bind the musculoskeletal systems together.

Each movement pattern and posture are designed to reveal weaknesses, inflexibility or misalignments, as well as counter movement patterns to strengthen weak muscles, improve flexibility, and improve performance using the client’s unique mechanics. The goal is to re design and re correct alignment for improved functioning and posture.


Yoga can benefit in many areas of your health and wellness, but most of all it brings calmness and clarity to the body and mind. Yoga reduces stress and tension in the body, but allowing each customer to take time for them selves invest in their vitality. Each class or session will leave you invigorated and energized!

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